Railway transport tariffs are based on price list No. 10-01. The cost of RZD services depends on many factors.
The final price is mainly influenced:
- wagon type and its capacity;
- the total distance of the route;
- type of shipment (container, group, small, prefabricated wagon, etc.);
- speed (freight, large, measured in km/day);
- special transport conditions for certain types of goods (dangerous, perishable);
- weight/volume of transported goods, industrial raw materials or equipment.
When working through the entire logistics chain, we can minimize tariffs, speed up delivery if necessary, and receive additional preferences from the carrier, knowing the full tariff schedule.
In cooperation with Russian and foreign partners, we will quickly calculate the tariff for rail transportation both in Russia and the CIS countries. In addition, as part of freight forwarding services, we will provide support of the cargo and control of its safety during logistics operations.
Our employee will calculate the tariff for Russia and CIS countries within 10 minutes.
We will not only calculate fares and pay for a loaded or empty flight.